




i rented the first place in the uk, the landlord is our marketing department of a brand manager, a 30-year-old single woman.

her house is a townhouse with two floors. in front of only a small garden, because she did not have time to take care of; behind a small yard, for drying clothes. the first floor is the living room, living room and are four rooms on the second floor, the largest one she lived, and then two bedrooms were leased to me and a college student, there is a study, relatively small, next to her room. on the day of arrival, she said that in addition to her and another tenant's room, the other room i casually enter and use, as long as the clean and tidy just fine. utilities are all included in the rent. i found the same day, every bedroom is no bolt, we can only cover the door and sleep, this includes the landlord's own room. obviously, she bought the house this is owner-occupied, may have never thought about going to the strange tenants who modified the door lock it.

on weekends, she went to manchester to visit her boyfriend, and college students are always out partying, come back late. i grew up to no one slept a room in the school dormitory, at home is my parents room, a small attic, this one guarding a big house, scared to death. i often hard to see the tape, in order to wait for college students back! finally one day, wait until two o'clock, and he did not return, i sleep too sleepy to sleep, stairs and corridor lights are deliberately not turned off. early the next morning, someone knocked on my vanity door, i got up and ran to the room in front of sleepy eyes, apparently college students playing out all night just back."why did not you turn off the lights last night?" i said, for fear of the darkness, but said i forgot, he said, "we are an island in the uk, with very scarce resources, and you will not waste it in the future," he said ! "i heard yileng yi leng, and this off a light have risen to the energy level - i humbly nodded. a week after the weekend, he was out, actually reminded me to forget to turn off the lights!

gradually big house living habits, and not afraid of the black. just as i dreamed of settling in a big house for a whole year, the landlord told me that she sold the house, the job also resigned, to go to manchester city to get married.

i thought, work and the house are big things. into the chinese people, so how couples have to separate the two for some time and then from the long term, but for her unexpectedly is a proposal in the weekend after the decision. this house that sell to sell, it seems no one thought and lived a house it.

on the house thing, then finally heard the real english version. a friend took me to see her parents living in a cottage on the outskirts of the famous city of york. in addition to the old couple 's room, the other two rooms are packed into rooms, such as adult children or guests to the time can be spent the night, the house is a small garden. when i went to a guest, asked the elderly, you must have a house in the city, right? the old man opened the chatterbox: "this house is bought after retirement, the mortgage is three is our fourth house, but we have never had a we got married, we bought a set of two rooms, and gave birth to a child after the three-bedroom replaced, regeneration and a four-bedroom replaced, and now they are away from home, and we retired , on the outskirts of the three-bedroom, christmas is back enough to live oh. every time the mortgage is three decades, it has been for so, for, but never had. now we estimate that death is not will have a house it! "said the old man, hearty laugh.

have a happy family life, the original and "have" a house is not much relationship. the british free and easy on the house, is from the island's cultural openness and mobility, or mature capitalist society, financial endowment insurance system?

we have seen, we should have lamented it! let the younger generation, may also wish to learn from them, do not be the house, the car was overwhelmed!


british emphasis on education, not only in the uk gathered in the world's most famous and oldest schools, colleges and universities, and there are some new and most innovative institutions. education is a permanent topic of discussion ... education is not only a matter of repeated thinking for the teacher, but also to parents and students to pay more attention. britain is a country with a long tradition of education. its education system after several hundred years of evolution, quite perfect and complex, and has a very large flexibility. in general, it is divided into three stages: compulsory education, continuing education and higher education.

british people generally believe that the spoil of children and spoiled children is the biggest obstacle to the formation of independent enable children to adapt to the needs of society in the future, to live independently, work, must be small to develop their ability to live independently, so that they learn to respect others and self-restraint, aware of their behavior responsible. if the child can not adapt to society in the future as other people, as parents can not fulfill the responsibility of education.

british schools in the moral education is not called moral education, and called "personal social health education", or "social process", the british schools generally do not have a special moral education course, but the creation of including buddhism and taoism, including a variety of the world's major religious beliefs for the elective. this course is considered a child's moral and conscience is very important to cultivate a course. . the purpose is to let them know the basic truth of ordinary life, how to integrate into society self-discipline, as part of society. core moral values are four: respect for life, fair, honest and trustworthy.

the british also have the notion that "morality is infected, not taught." it is reflected in the british primary and secondary school moral education, that is, do not require children to memorize moral norms, but requires children from the depths of the heart, from daily life to understand and understand the ethics.

the family is the cradle of child growth. in the uk family, absolutely do not see the children of no reason to spoil, the wrong child will be corrected or even punished. parents tend to respect the child's independent personality under the premise of strict control of the children, so that they understand that their behavior is not without marginal, can not do whatever they h law clearly stipulates that parents allow their children to corporal punishment, so far many schools still retain the rules of corporal punishment of students.

chinese university lecturers more dedicated, always pay close attention to the classroom 90 minutes continuously instill new knowledge, as chinese students are also more difficult, every day to digest a lot of ts from china's higher education institutions often have deep and solid theoretical foundation, because in china to learn more, the final results are usually determined by the final exam. in the uk, before the start of each course, the instructor will explain the time required to master this course, generally 100 hours per course, of which 70 hours are left to the students to read and study by themselves.

usually in the classroom, the teacher will send their own printed information, but the coverage of knowledge is relatively small, so in the first lesson, the teacher will recommend students to buy or borrow some of the relevant books, and foreign students from small education is based on knowledge, practical ability is also very strong.

"in the uk, high school, the teacher will each student as the best students, insist that every student has a bright spot." students said: "in the uk high school, sports is the main course, mathematics is "in fact, in the final analysis, the domestic education is mainly mainly in the examination, the first test; in the uk is not, the students of the comprehensive development is the more important.

uk 9 am classes, 50 minutes each, after 4 pm is the student's free a teaching arrangement for many people mistakenly think that the british students learning is easy, its

it is true that each course in the uk is composed of two parts, the report or the paper accounted for part of the final exam accounted for another part of the completion of either of the two will affect the final outcome of a single subject. in foreign countries, write a paper is very particular about, citing the point of view of others must be marked on the source and author, or to identify cheating, cheating in foreign countries may be to court, very serious.

foreign attention to teamwork, most of the work is done in the case of the team, especially in the uk business. they like a group of different cultural backgrounds, different ideas, so contact with more culture will undoubtedly be very popular in the uk, of course, the premise of teamwork is not hindered by language, english is quite good. teamwork inside, you will find foreign students to speak and write ability is very strong, which is completely inferior to the chinese students, the individual may think that chinese students in the test scores on the edge, but the capacity is still better than the british students , which is the gap between china's education, foreign education is the ability to train.

we can not critically say that china's education is good or the uk's education is good, perhaps in some aspects of china's education is not so targeted in the united kingdom, but in some respects chinese education is still very worthy of our trust. in the face of british education we should do is to take its essence to its dregs, a selective reference is desirable, such as "moral is infected, rather than being taught," this view is worthy of our thinking, and capacity-building focus on the combination of theory and practice, as well as the affirmation of the students, for the domestic "to take the test scores as a student to assess whether the only standard of excellence," this approach is not acceptable to all students, i believe most students will more like the evaluation criteria abroad, it is not so absolute.


the proper use of metaphor

——book review of the story of my life fascinating historians,filmmakers,social scientists and writers,the life of helen keller has inspired biographies,films,essays,articles and theatrical performances. it can not be praised too much. the story of my life is a story of courage and determination,of persistence in the face of great odds,of never giving in and remaining cheerfully optimistic no matter what the circumstances. whatever,what i want to talk about is the use of metaphor which impresses me most and contributes a lot to this book as well.

in the book,helen uses metaphor to indicate her determination which gives me a deep impression again and again.

i slipped back many times,i fall,i run against the edge of hidden obstacles,i lose my temper and find it again and keep it better,i trudge on,i gain a little,i feel encouraged,i get more eager and clime higher and i reach the widening horizon. every struggle is a more effort and i reach the luminous cloud,the blue depths of the sky, the uplands of my desire.

this paragraph describes her real situation in harvard university. it was her first year in harvard. at that time,she could hardly found any special textbooks for the blind. it was extremely difficult for her to learn anything. she struggled with the help of others,sorrowfully. it’s obvious for us that she suffered a lot. however,she never gave up. she refused to surrendered to destiny. a persistent person who was putting her every effort into managing her idea comes up to my mind. all these phrases

such as “slip back,trudge on,blue depth and uplands” touch my heart. it was her willpower indicated by metaphor that moved me deeply. helen proves us that where there is a will,there is a way by her deeds.

in the story of my life,she also expresses her love by using beautiful and positive words. it also is a kind of metaphor.

at first i did not realize what had happened; but when i put my hand in the cage and pretty wings did not meet my touch or his small pointed claws take hold of my finger, i know that i should never see my sweet little singer again.

as we all know,helen is a deaf and blind woman. she can only fell the pretty bird given by her teacher as a christmas gift. her reorganization to the bird is so vague. however,i can really feel her happiness and her love to her sweet little bird even though there is no a word “love” being written. she expresses her love by using words“pretty,sweet” instead of using“love”directly.

here is another example.

she realized that a child’s mind is like a shallow brook which ripples and dances merrily over the stony course of its education and reflects here a flower,there a bush, yonder a fleecy cloud;and she attempted guide my mind on its way,knowing like a brook it should be fed by mountain steams and hidden springs,until in broadened out into a deep river,capable of reflecting in its surface,billow hills the luminous shadows of trees and the blue heavens as well as the sweet face of a little flower.

comparing a child’s mind to shallow brook which should be fed by small streams,helen shows us the great influence education have on children. in other word,by doing so,the great influence from anne

sullivan stands out. anne sullivan taught helen alphabet but instead of spelling single words. she spelled whole sentences into her hands. sullivan is her stream and helps her grow into a brook even a considerable ocean.

examples indicate that helen writes with metaphor can be found throughout the book. i contend that if we pay our attention to such sentences,we can have a better understanding of metaphor and make good use of it. all in all,the story of my life is definitely worth reading and appreciating.


in december 1949, mao zedong's trip to the soviet union, often with the soviet interpreter, sinologist federline conversation. federline often consulted mao zedong on a number of issues in chinese literature, and mao zedong was also eloquent about it. federling made these conversations. these conversations are really wonderful poetry.

fei delin asked mao zedong to talk about the "book of songs", he believes that "the book of songs" "is undoubtedly the highest model of chinese poetry."

mao zedong said: "the book of songs" is the essence of chinese poetry .it is derived from folk creation .all are unknown author .creation of the time has been unable to check .this document to the past that old age with us. the poetry of the early chinese aesthetics, this poem is true, easy to understand, the language is very concise.

"is it because of this reason that for thousands of years the book of songs has always been a sample of imitation of chinese poets?

mao zedong replied: "yes, this is no problem .it can be said that the poetry of the poem of the later thought of each have had an problem is how to understand these ancient folk is the essence of the problem. for those who do not understand or misinterpret, we do not have to say, we can recall those who not only understand and try to imitate this ancient poetics, they imitate not only its rhetorical characteristics, but also inherited the " "the essence of the content of folk creation.

"you mean the most successful poet in the creation of the unnamed predecessors?"

mao zedong said:

yeah. it can be said that this is the language of art and poetry in the development of the most valuable image content. the innate talent of the ancient unnamed is to turn their ideas into concise poetry and songs. "

fei delin said: "according to the history of chinese literature, said in the" book of songs "after the nameless author, second to none of the qu yuan, he is the first poet with creative personality.

mao said: "oh, this is your favorite subject matter, but this issue is not so simple to talk about. qu, quyuan lived where i am quite familiar with, is my hometown. so we qu yuan, his we are the descendants of this poet of genius, we are particularly deep feelings for him, but now people may not hello, they do not necessarily understand the qu yuan  .therefore, the great achievements.

"i think, because of the local relationship, even if the peers are separated for many generations, there is a direct feeling of qu yuan, their evaluation of the poet is more persuasive.

mao zedong said: "however, the home of the commemoration of qu yuan is very insignificant, not to mention the poet 's time has been more than two thousand years, for his fate, each generation has its own views.

fei delin said: "any great change in history will have some joys and sorrows of the for qu yuan, political change is his personal yuan painstakingly through his time, he was concerned about the people, to save the chu danger.

mao zedong said: "the year after the war to the country withered, people are destitute, the destruction of chu, this is one aspect of the began another historical process, that is, scattered, competing for the interests of the vassal kingdom united process , the process is not the will of man for the transfer of finally, it unified the qin shi huang china ended, resulting in the formation of the first centralized and unified empire, which later china's fate has played an important role in. this is another matter the problem we will have to talk about the future.

mao zedong said: "yes, these are in my hometown of hunan, occurred in the martyrdom of qu yuan --- changsha .for this reason, qu yuan's name is more sacred to us .he is not only the ancientgenius singer, but also a great patriot: selfless fearless, brave and image remains in the minds of every chinese. both at home and abroad, qu yuan is an immortal image. we are the witnesses of his life. "

fei delin said to mao zedong: "now we the soviet readers can understand qu yuan's know that qu yuan is a long time ago the poet, but also belongs to the future poet, he used poetry to express his mind, to express their own his "li sao" tells us that with the life experience to write poetry, only to know themselves, to change their own.

mao zedong said: "yes, ah, qu yuan's feats are not immediately recognized by people .it was later a lot of days, the poet's character was fully revealed, his image was really tall .qu yuan drink is a cup of bitterness wine is also a liqueur for the truth, poetry, like other creations, is a spiritual creation.

fei delin said: "qu yuan worries about the world of the people, the pain of the pain people love him, worship him, it can be considered a personal worship it ... ..."

mao zedong said: "yes ah, this worship is not made by qu yuan own, but love his people spontaneously produced this worship has continued to the present, can blame him? we can not be responsible for others, people to establish their the need for authority and idols, this is their thing, we can not be responsible for this.i do not think this is his fault ... ...


1 lincoln full review

① lincoln is a famous american bourgeois revolutionaries, politicians, the united states the famous leader of the civil war. in 1861, republican lincoln became the 16th president of the united states, in april the same year, the outbreak of the civil war. in the early years of the war, lincoln led the northern army to brave defeat, the people asked the government to take more forceful measures. in 1862, the lincoln government promulgated the "homestead act", "the liberation of the black slave declaration", abolished the slavery in the south, the northern army was a solid source of manpower.

⑤ in 1865, lincoln led the northern civil war to the north victory, the united states eventually be maintained, lincoln was assassinated by southern fanatics.

⑥ lincoln government through the civil war, the abolition of the slavery, clear the obstacles to the development of capitalism, for the future economic development to create conditions for music.

⑦ lincoln to maintain national unity and the liberation of slavery made a significant contribution to the history of the united states as a famous president.

a brief comment on lincoln

① lincoln is a famous american bourgeois revolutionaries, politicians, the united states the famous leader of the civil war. ② lincoln led the american civil war victory, promulgated the "homestead act", "the liberation of the black slave declaration", the abolition of slavery, to eliminate the obstacles to the development of american capitalism, safeguarding national unity, the united states as the world power laid the foundation .

③ lincoln to maintain national unity and the liberation of black slavery made a significant contribution by the american people's reverence and become a famous president in american history.

3, learning insights

① study his wholeheartedly love the people, the spirit of the people-oriented quality.

② learn his courage to struggle, to the national, national interests as their responsibility and quality of mind.

③ learn his perseverance, and always give up the pursuit and struggle, and ultimately go beyond the quality of self. ④ we should fully study the great quality of the great man of history, and strive to learn scientific and cultural knowledge.


hawking was born on january 8, 1942 in oxford, england, and moved to st. albans in 1950. he joined the university of oxford in 1959. he completed his degree in physics at oxford university in 1962 and moved to cambridge university to pursue his graduate studies. hawking was diagnosed with motor neuron disease in 1963. he was admitted to the university of cambridge as a researcher at the university of cambridge and gainesville in 1965. his research showed that the mathematical equations used to explain the collapse of the black hole could be explained by a point begins to swell in the universe. he was married to jane wilde, the eldest son of robert, in 1967. in 1969 he was promoted to a distinguished achievement in science at the gonville and keith college, and in 1970, hawking studied the characteristics of the black hole. he predicted that the radiation from the black hole (now known as hawking radiation) and the surface area of the black hole will never be reduced.

the same year his daughter, lucy, was born, and he began using the wheelchair that year, and in 1973 his first book, "large structures of space time," was published, and he was elected a member of the royal society in 1974. he continued to prove that the black hole hawking was awarded the order of edinburgh of the royal astronomical society of london in 1975-1976, the 11th medal of the vatican pope's science society, the hopkins prize,

the united states denny heinemann award, maxwell award and the royal society of hughes medal of six awards in 1977 he was appointed professor of gravity physics at cambridge university in 1978 by the world's highest award of theoretical physics research einsteinin 1979. his second son timothy was born in 1979. his "general theory of relativity: commemorating the centenary of einstein" was published in 1980. he served as professor of mathematics, cambridge university, lucas in 1981, he participated in the vatican cosmology conference,announced the concept of borderless and published "super-space and super-gravity." the same year he was awarded the british empire high knight .1985 he fell ill in switzerland, the implementation of tracheostomy surgery to lose their language skills, with a computer with a sound generator. in 1988 he published "a brief history of time", won the wolf foundation award, become the most popular book on quantum physics and relativity.

in 1989 he was awarded the honorary jazz of the british empire in 1990. he married 25 years in the wife of jane wilde divorce .1991 his "time history" the movie of the same name .in 1993 the black hole and the baby universe "and other papers." he was married to his nurse elaine mason on september 16, 1995. he continued to work at the university of cambridge since 1996, and in october 20xx, his masterpiece " universe "published in july 20xx, hawking amended his original" black hole paradox "point of view wrong, information should be conserved. in 20xx, hawking came to china for the third time, he still brought his latest research on cosmology, the hong kong university of science and technology gymnasium hosted a speech entitled "the origin of the universe"; in the great hall of the people to beijing "the origins of the universe."

in 20xx, hawking and luigi goffold co-author of the children's science fiction "george to the secret key to the universe" on september 6, the first published in france. this book is hawking's first children's book, hawking in the book to explain their children on the time and cosmic aspects of the doctrine .20xx august 12, he was awarded the medal of freedom.

second, stephen william hawking's research areas:

stephen hawking has been working on the basic laws of the universe, focusing on black holes. hawking's object is the universe, but he was never interested in observing astronomy, only a few telescopes ed with the traditional methods of experimentation and observation, hawking's method is intuitive.

along with roger penrose, he found that einstein's general theory of relativity implied that space and time began at the big bang and ended at the end of the black hole. these results suggest that it is necessary to combine general relativity with quantum theory, another scientific development in the first half of the twentieth century. one consequence of the combination he discovered was that the black hole should not be completely black, the black hole radiating outwards, eventually evaporating and disappearing. another conjecture is that the universe has no edge in the time of imagination, it is infinite. this will mean that the way the universe is formed is entirely determined by the laws of science.

at the same time he is also committed to theoretical physics, together with penrose to prove the famous singularity theorem, he also proved the black hole area theorem.

third, stephen william hawking main achievements: in 1989 he received the honorary title of the british jazz, became the royal society and the united states academy of sciences foreign academician; received the london astronomical society edin dayton medal; vatican pope's science society of the 11th medal ; johns hopkins award; the united states daniou heinemann award; maxwell award; the royal society of hughes medal; in 1978 by the physical world's most prestigious awards - albert einstein award; rose won the 1988 wolf physics award in 1988; hawking book "a brief history of time: from the big bang to the black hole" won the wolf foundation award; in 1962 he graduated in oxford, cambridge graduate; 1965 in 1973 he was appointed a professor of gravity physics of cambridge university; in 1979 he was appointed to the university of cambridge; in 1974, he was appointed the university of cambridge professor of physics of gravity; in 1988 he published "a brief history of time: from the big bang to the black hole" and won the wolf fund (the university of cambridge), professor of the university of cambridge, professor of mathematics; in 1981 he participated in the vatican cosmology conference, announced the concept of borderless, award; in 1989 was awarded the british empire honorary jazz; august 12, 20xx, was awarded the medal of freedom

fourth, stephen william hawking's scientific contribution:

in 1973, he considered the quantum effect near the black hole and found that the black hole would emit radiation like a blackbody whose radiation temperature was inversely proportional to the mass of the black hole, so that the black hole would become smaller and smaller as the radiation,high, it ended in the last minute of the explosion. the discovery of black hole radiation has a very basic meaning, it will gravitational, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics together. 2, after 1974, his research turned to quantum gravity theory. it is proposed that there is no pure state in the quantum gravity, and the causality is destroyed. therefore, the unknowability is raised from classical statistical physics and quantum statistical physics to the third level of quantum gravity.

3. after 1980, his interest turned to quantum cosmology.

4, july 20xx, hawking amended his original "black hole paradox" point of view, information should be conserved. 5, he also proved the black hole area theorem, that is, with the increase of time black hole area is not reduced. it is natural to associate the area of the black hole with the entropy of the thermodynamics.

6, he proposed the big bang from the singularity of the beginning, the time from the moment, the black hole will eventually evaporate, in the unity of the 20th century, the two basic physics theory - einstein's theory of relativity and planck's quantum theory out an important step.

7, november 1973, hawking officially announced to the world, black holes continue to radiate x-ray, gamma ray, which is the famous "hawking radiation"

8, from the singularity of the big bang to the black hole radiation mechanism, hawking on the development of quantum cosmology made an outstanding contribution. he also wrote many famous theories, such as:

"a brief history of time" is a popular book about the nature of time and the forefront of the universe. it is the most important classics of contemporary scientific thought on the universe. it changes the concept of the universe. is the undisputed authority of cosmology, it is a sincere and sincere form of private interviews, described professor hawking's life history and research work, to show a huge theoretical framework behind the real human. the hawking lecture - black hole, infant cosmos, and others "discusses virtual space, the birth of a baby universe caused by a black hole, and the efforts of scientists to seek a complete unification theory, and to free will, life values and human survival and evolutionary principles made a unique insight.

"shell in the universe" is professor hawking following the "brief history of time" after the most important works. he explained in plain language to remind us of the universe fully unfolded imagination, and with his unique enthusiasm, invites us to start an extraordinary journey of time and space.

"george opened the secret key to the universe" is stephen hawking's "children" period "popular science trilogy" one of the book on the black hole and many parts are outlined hawking's new ideas, the book at home and abroad rave reviews.

5, stephen william hawking's charisma:

hawking's charm is not only because he is a legendary physical genius, but also because he is a compelling life strong. his constant search for the scientific spirit and courageous tenacious personality strength deeply attracted every one know him. he was nearly paralyzed and unable to pronounce, but in 1988 he published "a brief history of time," which has sold more than 25 million copies, making it one of the world's best-selling popular science books.

he was hailed as "the greatest scientist alive," "another einstein," "a strong life of the letter," "dare to challenge the fate of the people."

sixth, my insights:

hawking is one of the great men of this century with an international reputation, the most important contemporary general relativity and cosmologists. the most important contemporary general relativity and cosmologist, is one of today's great international reputation, known as the world's greatest scientists, also known as the "king of the universe".although he was suffering from lu gai lei's disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), confined to a wheelchair for 40 years, he was physically disabled,

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to overcome the cripple and become the international physics went beyond the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, the big bang theory into the creation of the universe "geometry dance". his thoughts are excellent to travel to the vast space-time, unlock the mystery of the universe. he suffered ordinary people can not bear the pain, but also created ordinary people can not create a miracle. i admire him, his tenacity, his insistence is worth learning!


bill gates is a need not in the name of the former addition of attributes, such as the famous bill gates. in the 1970s, no one in his name before the addition of attributive. he quickly completed a fundamental change, he has become a hero of the capital era. his life experience, his life sentiment, no matter what time to say, always pondering. bill gates has become a hero of this era, he is the idol of young people.

i remember the fall of a year in the shanghai jiaotong university auditorium, i and my classmates when the first sentence is that yesterday, bill gates here to talk about how his advanced technology, and today i am here to talk about how his technology the impact of today's society, has changed our way of life and thinking. each of his inventions will always affect the world, and every one of my lectures can not even affect my children, my students. this is the difference between a celebrity and an ordinary person.

bill gates said that life is not fair, that many of us have this experience. but different people treat life is not fair attitude is completely ining about the injustice of life, in the blame and lost a lot of opportunities, can not seriously planning for their own lives, the history of life can be imagined. bill gates used to blame life unfair time to plan his life, so that his life in the orbit of the winner to run, thus the success of his excellent life. his experience is that society we first have to adapt to it, and then go to change it. this is what we often lack at all levels of education.

everyone has their own self-esteem, but the way in which people's self-esteem is maintained, and the ways in which actors grow in different cultural environments are different. the world we live in, for most people, is more likely to be unfair. our education is in such an environment to everyone, success is not always inevitable, more with chance. you feel good before you have to be successful, you can have a good feeling. our education should be done to educate students how to achieve success.

in a market-oriented society, we all want to find a good job at graduation, but this opportunity is clearly not for each newly graduated person prepared. "you will not make $ 40,000 a year," bill gates said. "you will not be a vice president of a company and have a car with a phone until you earn both the job and the car. this is his experience. therefore, we have to do is how to fight to their 40,000 yuan.

in school, we often feel that the teacher asked too high, that the teacher is too harsh, this is the feeling in the school. one day, when you enter the society, waiting for you to work in the hands of the boss, you will not think so, at that time, you will recall the school life and the teacher one day smile to you, all of everything become the memory of youth. your first $ 40,000 is in life for you to smile is to get.

in urban life, we will encounter many difficulties. if you are in trouble, it is not your parents' fault. society is a good teacher, the key is what we learn not complain about mistakes, learn from them. before we were born, our parents also lived in their way. they become like this today, not all of their reasons. so before you chatter your parents, go clean your own room and try to keep your life away from your parents. such a sentiment of life is instructive for many of today's people in trouble. but more people do not realize this.

your school may no longer have winners and losers, but life is still making a similar distinction, society is the most real, though sometimes very cruel, but you still have to learn to overcome. the school will give you countless opportunities. this and real life in any of the things that there is no similarities, we say that schools are schools, society is society. especially when our school will be social and school separation, the school is really just a school, and the changing society, we know really too little. we can not get out of school and can quickly adapt to society, so we have more understanding of society and experience.


british emphasis on education, not only in the uk gathered in the world's most famous and oldest schools, colleges and universities, and there are some new and most innovative institutions. education is a permanent topic of discussion ... education is not only a matter of repeated thinking for the teacher, but also to parents and students to pay more attention. britain is a country with a long tradition of education. its education system after several hundred years of evolution, quite perfect and complex, and has a very large flexibility. in general, it is divided into three stages: compulsory education, continuing education and higher education.

british people generally believe that the spoil of children and spoiled children is the biggest obstacle to the formation of independent enable children to adapt to the needs of society in the future, to live independently, work, must be small to develop their ability to live independently, so that they learn to respect others and self-restraint, aware of their behavior responsible. if the child can not adapt to society in the future as other people, as parents can not fulfill the responsibility of education.

british schools in the moral education is not called moral education, and called "personal social health education", or "social process", the british schools generally do not have a special moral education course, but the creation of including buddhism and taoism, including a variety of the world's major religious beliefs for the elective. this course is considered a child's moral and conscience is very important to cultivate a course. . the purpose is to let them know the basic truth of ordinary life, how to integrate into society self-discipline, as part of society. core moral values are four: respect for life, fair, honest and trustworthy.

the british also have the notion that "morality is infected, not taught." it is reflected in the british primary and secondary school moral education, that is, do not require children to memorize moral norms, but requires children from the depths of the heart, from daily life to understand and understand the ethics.

the family is the cradle of child growth. in the uk family, absolutely do not see the children of no reason to spoil, the wrong child will be corrected or even punished. parents tend to respect the child's independent personality under the premise of strict control of the children, so that they understand that their behavior is not without marginal, can not do whatever they h law clearly stipulates that parents allow their children to corporal punishment, so far many schools still retain the rules of corporal punishment of students.

chinese university lecturers more dedicated, always pay close attention to the classroom 90 minutes continuously instill new knowledge, as chinese students are also more difficult, every day to digest a lot of ts from china's higher education institutions often have deep and solid theoretical foundation, because in china to learn more, the final results are usually determined by the final exam. in the uk, before the start of each course, the instructor will explain the time required to master this course, generally 100 hours per course, of which 70 hours are left to the students to read and study by themselves.

usually in the classroom, the teacher will send their own printed information, but the coverage of knowledge is relatively small, so in the first lesson, the teacher will recommend students to buy or borrow some of the relevant books, and foreign students from small education is based on knowledge, practical ability is also very strong.

"in the uk, high school, the teacher will each student as the best students, insist that every student has a bright spot." students said: "in the uk high school, sports is the main course, mathematics is "in fact, in the final analysis, the domestic education is mainly mainly in the examination, the first test; in the uk is not, the students of the comprehensive development is the more important.

uk 9 am classes, 50 minutes each, after 4 pm is the student's free a teaching arrangement for many people mistakenly think that the british students learning is easy, its

it is true that each course in the uk is composed of two parts, the report or the paper accounted for part of the final exam accounted for another part of the completion of either of the two will affect the final outcome of a single subject. in foreign countries, write a paper is very particular about, citing the point of view of others must be marked on the source and author, or to identify cheating, cheating in foreign countries may be to court, very serious.

foreign attention to teamwork, most of the work is done in the case of the team, especially in the uk business. they like a group of different cultural backgrounds, different ideas, so contact with more culture will undoubtedly be very popular in the uk, of course, the premise of teamwork is not hindered by language, english is quite good. teamwork inside, you will find foreign students to speak and write ability is very strong, which is completely inferior to the chinese students, the individual may think that chinese students in the test scores on the edge, but the capacity is still better than the british students , which is the gap between china's education, foreign education is the ability to train.

we can not critically say that china's education is good or the uk's education is good, perhaps in some aspects of china's education is not so targeted in the united kingdom, but in some respects chinese education is still very worthy of our trust. in the face of british education we should do is to take its essence to its dregs, a selective reference is desirable, such as "moral is infected, rather than being taught," this view is worthy of our thinking, and capacity-building focus on the combination of theory and practice, as well as the affirmation of the students, for the domestic "to take the test scores as a student to assess whether the only standard of excellence," this approach is not acceptable to all students, i believe most students will more like the evaluation criteria abroad, it is not so absolute.


at the age of 19 months, helen keller was a happy, healthy girl. she could already say a few words. unfortunately, she had a high fever which caused her to become deaf and blind. no longer could she see nor hear. the fever cut her off from the outside world, depriving her of sight and sound. it was as if she had been thrown into a dark prison cell from which there could be no release. she felt lost.

after that, she began to explore the world by using her other senses. she learned to do many things this way. for example, she could recognize people by feeling of their faces or their clothes.

she made up signs with her hands so she could "talk" to her family. she had 60 different signs. helen was a very bright child. soon she found herself was different from other children——she couldn't talk. this made her so angry that she used to hurl herself around the room, kicking and screaming in frustration.

the family knew they had to do something to help her. so, just before her seventh birthday, the family hired a private tutor — anne sullivan. anne taught helen the signs for the letters of the alphabet. then she would "spell" the words in helen's hand to communicate with her. one day anne led helen to the water pump and pumped water on her hand. she spelled the letters w-a-t-e-r as the water ran over helen's hand. she did this over and over again. at last it dawned on helen that the word "water" meant the water which she felt pouring over her hand. this opened up a whole new world for her. she ran everywhere asking anne the name of different things and anne would spell the words in her hand.

helen had an amazing memory, and she also had skills very few people have ever been able to develop. she could put her fingers to a person's lips and understand the words which were being spoken.

while she was in college she wrote her book called "the story of my life". with the money she earned from the book she could afford a house.

she became famous and traveled around the world speaking to

groups of people. she met many important and well-known people as she traveled.

after her death in 1968 an organization was set up in her name to combat blindness in the developing world. today that agency, helen keller international, is one of the biggest organizations working with blind people overseas.

i am touched by how firm helen is. compared to her, we are much healthier and live a happier life. after reading the story of her, i get to know how necessary we should enjoy our life. and i realize that if you keep working hard, you will succeed sooner or later. helen will always be remembered as a heroine in my mind.


china generally has a traditional psychological, that there is room to have a home. have a nest of their own, even if the small can feel at ease, as if also have a sense of belonging and home. because of this, in recent years, china 's housing market will be so popular, buy a lot of people' s life struggle to become the goal. but in fact, in foreign countries, most people may not have their own house for life, but will choose to rent. if they stay tired of a place for a long time, you can always rent out the house, moved to another place, very free and easy. the following is a british student about the british concept of the house and views.

i rented the first place in the uk, the landlord is our marketing department of a brand manager, a 30-year-old single woman.

her house is a townhouse with two floors. in front of only a small garden, because she did not have time to take care of; behind a small yard, for drying clothes. the first floor is the living room, living room and are four rooms on the second floor, the largest one she lived, and then two bedrooms were leased to me and a college student, there is a study, relatively small, next to her room. on the day of arrival, she said that in addition to her and another tenant's room, the other room i casually enter and use, as long as the clean and tidy just fine. utilities are all included in the rent. i found the same day, every bedroom is no bolt, we can only cover the door and sleep, this includes the landlord's own room. obviously, she bought the house this is owner-occupied, may have never thought about going to the strange tenants who modified the door lock it.

on weekends, she went to manchester to visit her boyfriend, and college students are always out partying, come back late. i grew up to no one slept a room in the school dormitory, at home is my parents room, a small attic, this one guarding a big house, scared to death. i often hard to see the tape, in order to wait for college students back! finally one day, wait until two o'clock, and he did not return, i sleep too sleepy to sleep, stairs and corridor lights are deliberately not turned off. early the next morning, someone knocked on my vanity door, i got up and ran to the room in front of sleepy eyes, apparently college students playing out all night just back."why did not you turn off the lights last night?" i said, for fear of the darkness, but said i forgot, he said, "we are an island in the uk, with very scarce resources, and you will not waste it in the future," he said ! "i heard yileng yi leng, and this off a light have risen to the energy level - i humbly nodded. a week after the weekend, he was out, actually reminded me to forget to turn off the lights!

gradually big house living habits, and not afraid of the black. just as i dreamed of settling in a big house for a whole year, the landlord told me that she sold the house, the job also resigned, to go to manchester city to get married.

i thought, work and the house are big things. into the chinese people, so how couples have to separate the two for some time and then from the long term, but for her unexpectedly is a proposal in the weekend after the decision. this house that sell to sell, it seems no one thought and lived a house it.

on the house thing, then finally heard the real english version. a friend took me to see her parents living in a cottage on the outskirts of the famous city of york. in addition to the old couple 's room, the other two rooms are packed into rooms, such as adult children or guests to the time can be spent the night, the house is a small garden. when i went to a guest, asked the elderly, you must have a house in the city, right? the old man opened the chatterbox: "this house is bought after retirement, the mortgage is three is our fourth house, but we have never had a we got married, we bought a set of two rooms, and gave birth to a child after the three-bedroom replaced, regeneration and a four-bedroom replaced, and now they are away from home, and we retired , on the outskirts of the three-bedroom, christmas is back enough to live oh. every time the mortgage is three decades, it has been for so, for, but never had. now we estimate that death is not will have a house it! "said the old man, hearty laugh.

have a happy family life, the original and "have" a house is not much relationship. the british free and easy on the house, is from the island's cultural openness and mobility, or mature capitalist society, financial endowment insurance system?

we have seen, we should have lamented it! let the younger generation, may also wish to learn from them, do not be the house, the car was overwhelmed!


the proper use of metaphor

——book review of the story of my life fascinating historians,filmmakers,social scientists and writers,the life of helen keller has inspired biographies,films,essays,articles and theatrical performances. it can not be praised too much. the story of my life is a story of courage and determination,of persistence in the face of great odds,of never giving in and remaining cheerfully optimistic no matter what the circumstances. whatever,what i want to talk about is the use of metaphor which impresses me most and contributes a lot to this book as well.

in the book,helen uses metaphor to indicate her determination which gives me a deep impression again and again.

i slipped back many times,i fall,i run against the edge of hidden obstacles,i lose my temper and find it again and keep it better,i trudge on,i gain a little,i feel encouraged,i get more eager and clime higher and i reach the widening horizon. every struggle is a more effort and i reach the luminous cloud,the blue depths of the sky, the uplands of my desire.

this paragraph describes her real situation in harvard university. it was her first year in harvard. at that time,she could hardly found any special textbooks for the blind. it was extremely difficult for her to learn anything. she struggled with the help of others,sorrowfully. it’s obvious for us that she suffered a lot. however,she never gave up. she refused to surrendered to destiny. a persistent person who was putting her every effort into managing her idea comes up to my mind. all these phrases

such as “slip back,trudge on,blue depth and uplands” touch my heart. it was her willpower indicated by metaphor that moved me deeply. helen proves us that where there is a will,there is a way by her deeds.

in the story of my life,she also expresses her love by using beautiful and positive words. it also is a kind of metaphor.

at first i did not realize what had happened; but when i put my hand in the cage and pretty wings did not meet my touch or his small pointed claws take hold of my finger, i know that i should never see my sweet little singer again.

as we all know,helen is a deaf and blind woman. she can only fell the pretty bird given by her teacher as a christmas gift. her reorganization to the bird is so vague. however,i can really feel her happiness and her love to her sweet little bird even though there is no a word “love” being written. she expresses her love by using words“pretty,sweet” instead of using“love”directly.

here is another example.

she realized that a child’s mind is like a shallow brook which ripples and dances merrily over the stony course of its education and reflects here a flower,there a bush, yonder a fleecy cloud;and she attempted guide my mind on its way,knowing like a brook it should be fed by mountain steams and hidden springs,until in broadened out into a deep river,capable of reflecting in its surface,billow hills the luminous shadows of trees and the blue heavens as well as the sweet face of a little flower.

comparing a child’s mind to shallow brook which should be fed by small streams,helen shows us the great influence education have on children. in other word,by doing so,the great influence from anne

sullivan stands out. anne sullivan taught helen alphabet but instead of spelling single words. she spelled whole sentences into her hands. sullivan is her stream and helps her grow into a brook even a considerable ocean.

examples indicate that helen writes with metaphor can be found throughout the book. i contend that if we pay our attention to such sentences,we can have a better understanding of metaphor and make good use of it. all in all,the story of my life is definitely worth reading and appreciating.


1 lincoln full review

① lincoln is a famous american bourgeois revolutionaries, politicians, the united states the famous leader of the civil war. in 1861, republican lincoln became the 16th president of the united states, in april the same year, the outbreak of the civil war. in the early years of the war, lincoln led the northern army to brave defeat, the people asked the government to take more forceful measures. in 1862, the lincoln government promulgated the "homestead act", "the liberation of the black slave declaration", abolished the slavery in the south, the northern army was a solid source of manpower.

⑤ in 1865, lincoln led the northern civil war to the north victory, the united states eventually be maintained, lincoln was assassinated by southern fanatics.

⑥ lincoln government through the civil war, the abolition of the slavery, clear the obstacles to the development of capitalism, for the future economic development to create conditions for music.

⑦ lincoln to maintain national unity and the liberation of slavery made a significant contribution to the history of the united states as a famous president.

a brief comment on lincoln

① lincoln is a famous american bourgeois revolutionaries, politicians, the united states the famous leader of the civil war. ② lincoln led the american civil war victory, promulgated the "homestead act", "the liberation of the black slave declaration", the abolition of slavery, to eliminate the obstacles to the development of american capitalism, safeguarding national unity, the united states as the world power laid the foundation .

③ lincoln to maintain national unity and the liberation of black slavery made a significant contribution by the american people's reverence and become a famous president in american history.

3, learning insights

① study his wholeheartedly love the people, the spirit of the people-oriented quality.

② learn his courage to struggle, to the national, national interests as their responsibility and quality of mind.

③ learn his perseverance, and always give up the pursuit and struggle, and ultimately go beyond the quality of self. ④ we should fully study the great quality of the great man of history, and strive to learn scientific and cultural knowledge.

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